Val sent me an award.
I am supposed to share 7 things that you may not know about me. I am pretty much an open book so I am having a really hard time with this but here goes:
1) I have an
MBA. Now, most people who personally know me, know this; but not my online friends.
2) I am afraid of birds and have nightmares about them - huge birds attacking me.
3) I love to cook and bake but I am no good at throwing things together - I have to have a recipe.
4) I used to draw and paint. I was very artistic as a child and teenager. I know this is very odd for a math / business major - my art teacher in college told me so. Now, I only express creativity through scrapbooking, card making, sewing, and doodling on my daughter's lunch bags.
5) I have always wanted to get my nose pierced. Although, I think I would probably look really stupid. I really don't think I could pull it off besides, how many accountants do you know that wear a nose ring.
6) I did get my belly button pierced when I was 30. I wore a belly ring until about 2 years ago.
7) I love the idea of riding on the back of my husband's motorcycle. Actually, in my dreams I am a biker babe. However, when it comes to actually riding - it really scares me. And I do mean that it really scares me.
Here's my daughter on the bike. She enjoys riding a lot more than I do. LOL

Now feel free to take the award and post 7 things about yourself.