Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hot Drinks for Hot Mama Apron Swap

Some time ago I signed up for Yarnigras' Hot Drinks for Hot Mamas Apron Swap ( The apron was due to be in the mail by October 29th. Here is the apron and package I received:

swap package

and all of the goodie inside of the package:

Hot Drinks for Hot Mama swap

There were 2 coffee cup cozies, an apron, and a really cool handmade journal.
Here is the apron:
Hot Mama apron

And one more pic of DD in the apron (she loves to model):
DD in Hot Mama apron

All of these wonderful things were sent to me by Bley of
I love my apron. Thank you Bley!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Just One Word

I found this one word meme at and tought it looked like fun. Some of the questions ended up being a little hard with just one word. Feel free to play along.

Where is your mobile phone? table
Where is your significant other? bed
Your hair colour? brown
Your mother? TN
Your father? missed
Your favourite thing? motherhood
Your dream last night? horrible
Your dream goal? retirement
The room you're in? living
Your hobby? sewing
Your fear? failure
Where do you want to be in 6 years? here
Where were you last night? Papa's
What you're not? asleep
One of your wish-list items? time
Where you grew up? Etowah
The last thing you did? clean
What are you wearing? pjs
Your TV? on
Your pets? spoiled
Your computer? on
Your mood? content
Missing someone? yes
Your car? red
Something you're not wearing? rings
Favourite shop? Target
Your summer? hot
Love someone? yes
Your favourite colour? red
When is the last time you laughed? today
When is the last time you cried? October