Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Grandbaby

My stepdaughter gave birth today to the most beautiful baby girl. Here is the proud grandfather and Aunt CJ looking:

Lorelai, Grandpa, & CJ

Monday, June 15, 2009

BPB Swap

Val received her package today so I can post pictures of the Brown Paper Bag swap package that I sent her. Here is a picture of everything:

brown paper bag package sent 09

From top left to bottom right, a "paint can", sewing tin, notebook / journal, and a mini scrapbook. I filled the paint can with fun stuff like m&m's and ballons.

Here is a close up of the notebook and tin:

brown paper bag notebook and can 09

And one page in the scrapbook:

brown paper bag scrapbook 09

I used the Lime Rickey line of papers from BasicGrey. I thought the papers were way too cute. I just hope Val thinks so too!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

How Beautiful - You've got to go and Look!

OK Apronistas, you have got to look at this. I just found the link and had to post.

Brown Paper Bag SWAP

Brown paper bag swap

I participated in Sherry's Brown Paper Bag Swap. This was so much fun. Val was my partner for this swap and this is the package that I received from her:
brown paper bag rec'd
She included a journal, quote book, bookmark, sour candy, straws, mushroom, and a beautiful bird in a nest which is now displayed on my dresser. There were also some lovely cupcake toppers that did not make it into the picture. Val has some better pictures on her blog is you want to take a look.

And since Val has not received her package yet, this is all I'm going to show...
brown paper bag swap

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Last Day of School

Today was the last day of 7th grade for DD. We made a couple of gifts for her core teachers. We made brown sugar scrub and eye pillows filled with flax seed.
last day of 7th grade gift
I hope her teachers like them.

Her Homeroom teacher called me at 8 am to let me know that DD was receiving a pretty big award - Most Outstanding 7th Grader. Unfortunately, I had to be working at our Charity Golf tournament and could not get away to attend the awards. And not only did she win that award, she came home with a total of 4: Most Outstanding 7th grader, A Honor Roll, Duke TIPS program certificate, and Most Improved in Jazz Band. I am SO PROUD of her.
last day of 7th grade

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hot Mama Fiesta Swap

I participated in Val's Hot Mama Fiesta swap. What a fun swap.
Here is the apron that I made for Shawnee:
Fiesta apron001
and the back:
Fiesta apron back

My partner flaked and Shawnee was sweet enough to Angel for me. Here is package she sent me:
fiesta swap rec'd
And the apron:
fiesta apron
DD had a lot of fun with this one. LOL BTW, I fixed Nachos for dinner and wore the apron just for fun!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Look what I came home to!
Both my Fiesta Hot Mama package and my Brown Bag swap package!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Apron Swap updates

I participated in a couple of apron swap in the past month or so. One was the Flirty Apron Vintage Linen Remix at and my partner was Carolyne.
I looked and looked, went to thrift store after thrift and even a couple of yard sales but never found the perfect linen to use. Anyway, I ended up purchasing some reproduction fabric - the minute I saw it, I knew it would be perfect. The pattern I chose was Butterick 4087 , a vintage 1950's apron. Here is the apron I made:
front of vintage apron
and the back:
back of vintage apron
My daughter usually models for me and I'm not sure where she was - but sorry for the "flat" photos.
Here is the package that I received from Frieda:
vintage apron package
And DD modeling the apron:
vintage linen apron rec'd
Notice the socks.
What a beautiful apron - thank you!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Where have I been?

I can not believe that its been over a month since I've posted. I mean, I'm online like every day. So, where I have I been? Right here - just not posting. Oh, I have plenty of excuses - too tired, batteries dead in the camera, housework to do, had to work late, dinner to cook...
So, here I am to say that I am sorry to my swap partners for not posting pictures. And to my couple of followers - I hope you haven't forgotten about me.
Hope you have a great evening and come back soon - I do have pictures to post.