Outside my window... dusk is settling in
I am thinking... that I need to be doing laundry
I am thankful for... for my job
From the kitchen... dishes are done from dinner and a cake mix is sitting on the counter waiting to be made into a birthday for husband
I am wearing... shorts and a T-shirt - just got back from a long walk
I am reading... SewStylish magazine
I am hoping... that I can get caught up on housework this week
I am creating... scrapbook pages - Saturday is National Scrapbooking Day!
I am praying... for safety while my family travels this weekend.
Around the house... things are quiet and calm
One of my favorite things... a bubble bath
A few plans for the rest of the week... work, husband's birthday dinner
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
husband and daughter at World's Edge

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